Post by antOK! Now let's have the recipe!
You could probably have used matzoh ball stuff too, as they are dumplings
in soup.
Duh I never thought of that lol.
Here is the recipe. Enjoy :)
Chicken soup with Dumplings (serves 4)
a.. 6 cups homemade chicken stock
b.. 4 green onions
c.. 2 cups shredded cooked chicken
d.. Semolina dumplings
e.. 1 tablespoon butter
f.. 1 teaspoon salt
g.. 1 garlic clove, crushed
h.. 1/2 cup semolina
i.. 30g parmesan cheese, finely grated
j.. 1 egg, lightly beaten
k.. 2 tablespoons basil leaves, finely chopped
(I also added parsley and chives)
Make semolina dumplings Combine 2/3 cup cold water, butter, salt and garlic
in a saucepan over medium-high heat. Bring to the boil. Add semolina in a
steady stream, whisking constantly. Using a wooden spoon, stir for 3 minutes
or until semolina forms a ball and comes away from sides of saucepan.
Transfer to a bowl. Add parmesan, egg and basil. Season with pepper. Mix
well. Cover to keep warm.
Bring stock to the boil over medium-high heat. Reduce heat to medium. Roll
tablespoons dumpling mixture into balls. Drop into stock. Cook for 5
minutes, turning once, or until dumplings cooked through.
Using a slotted spoon, remove dumplings to serving bowls. Cut onions into
long, thin strips. Add onion and chicken to stock. Cook for 2 minutes or
until heated through. Ladle over dumplings. Serve.